Sunday, January 29, 2006

Sana Mama. Arpita's kid sister and Mama.

Art 4 by Mrs. V Jayashree, Arpita's Mausi and Mama's Mom.

Painting by Mrs. V Jayashree, Arpita's mausi

Art 2 by Mrs. V Jayashree, Arpita's Mausi.

Art 3 by Mrs. V Jayashree, Arpita's Mausi and Mama's Mom.

Art by Mrs. V Jayashree, Arpita's Mausi.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

With father at Char Minar.

Mama with parents at Char Minar, Hyderabad.

It was a mere coincidence that Sama who came home on 2nd January was to leave on 21st January but by the evening train and the two were able to meet and spenmd some time together.

Arpita visited home on 21st January 2006 to sty with her parents.